As Saskatchewan, and prairie people, we are postured to experience unprecedented growth across many sectors of our economy. We see strong prices and demand for our wide spectrum of natural resources and agricultural products.  


Even aside from Canola, our cereal grains, oilseeds, legumes, and specialty crops are currently, and forecasted, to be in very high demand in the world market. 

The eyes and pocketbooks of the world’s canola industry are fixed on Saskatchewan!  With the expansion and committed development of canola processing in our province, we are positioned to see substantial growth and demand for this crop that contributes to feeding the world, produces biofuel, and sequesters carbon.  

Farmers are heroes on both ends of the spectrum.  We’ll need policy, legislation and infrastructure that facilitates growth, and supports the achievement of our farmers.  

Click below to view biofuel plant fabrications


I forecasted in early 2021 that we could see pricing for our Canadian oil at $65/ barrel.  Who could have projected $90-100 barrel pricing? The world has an undeniable need for oil and uranium. Our Western Canadian product is experiencing increased demand.

Click below to view oilfield collars


As the world population approaches 8 billion, more high-quality food will need to be generated with the available land resources that we have.  There’s no way around the need for high-quality, sustainable fertilizer.  Saskatchewan is the potash capital of the world and we have been increasing capacity to meet the world’s demands.

Click below for link to raise bore drilling platform


As North America recovers from the recent low cycle and pandemic, building materials will continue to be in very high demand.  Saskatchewan not only has a wide range of active forest industries that include dimensional lumber and sheeting but also has a substantial forestry resource that employs a huge workforce that is inclusive of our first nation and northern residents.  Our forestry resource is managed in consultation with municipalities, water resource authorities, and first nation input.

Click below for pulp mill maintenance parts

These are the 4 – F’s!  The future is bright.  Let’s make sure we have the vision to manage these resources that support our lives and communities, and those around the world.   

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” – Solomon

Warren Peters (President of Atlas Industries)